Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello 2014

This morning, as I lay on the couch with no particular duties to complete today, I can't help but think back over the past year. What a blessing it truely has been. Sure there have been some hard times (really, really hard times) but there's also been lots of growth, blessings, love, and good 'ole nature fun mixed in there. This has honestly been one of my best years yet. I got to marry the man I love and be able to celebrate that special day with the people we care about most. I moved to a strange, big, new city, that took a lot of getting use to. But I've come to call it home. It will be the first place Matt and I ever called home together. I've made some great new friends and been able to stay close to those back home, despite the miles. That in itself is blessing enough. My mom has been through surgery and cancer removal and come out just fine on the other side of both, praise God. And I've really learned what the true meaning of family seems to be. I realize now that they aren't just a 10 min car ride away, how much I miss my parents and that little town I grew up in that, really, I didn't know if I'd miss it or not. But with the close of 2013, I'm looking forward to all 2014 has to offer and I plan on making it the best year yet. Happy New Year to you and yours! 

Monday, December 23, 2013

Traditions...part 1

As Matt and I have begun our Christmas gathering rounds already, I'm beginning to see just how different our families and holiday traditions are. It's one of those interesting things that come along with a first year of marriage. Even though we've been together almost 7 years (who can believe that?!), we've never spent the entire Christmas week together with each other's families. In the past we kind of pick and chose what we could attend with the other ones family, based on our own families plan. Anyways, as the ball really gets rolling, I'm just looking forward to enjoying it all and being with the people we love. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

Check yourself

With all the firsts that come with married life, I anticipated Christmas to be my favorite. From tree decorating, to gift giving, to spending time with loved ones near and far. I have looked forward to it all, but now, as the week of Christmas has somehow snuck up on us in all the hustle and bustle that we know as life, I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed. Why? Simply because Christmas as I have always know and celebrated it, will be interrupted this year. Anyone who knows me, know I'm not too good with change, I never have been. Between trying to keep as many traditions as possible between both our families, I'm feeling anxious. Thoughts like "are we going to have enough time" or " are their feelings going to be hurt if we leave early (or show up late)" or "are we spending enough time with both of our families" have floated in and out of my train of thought over the past few days. I want to spend all the time with my family that I can, but I also don't want Matt or his family to be shorted either. And this evening as I was stressing over this a friend kindly put me back in my place. She reminded me that Christmas isn't about making all the parties or gatherings, or seeing everybody or getting gifts. It's about celebrating the birth and life of our Savior. Those words really made me check myself, and honestly, I'm probably going to have to check myself a few more times before the day arrives ; like I said, I don't do we'll with change).  But, it made me step back and see that somewhere along the way, the truth behind our celebration of Christmas, had been lost on me. I feel blessed to have a friend who would point that out to me. So this year, yes, enjoy your family, and the time you get to spend together. Enjoy the gifts and be thankful for the giver. But above everything else, hold tight to the truth behind Christmas, and celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. 
"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ The Lord."
                                     Luke 2:11

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Greatest Joy

Tonight, while laying in bed in my new pajamas ( that Matt says look like Buzz Lightyear) and watching Christmas movies, I can't help but think about how blessed I really am. I've got a roof over my head, heat for this cold night, food in the fridge, and more people who love me than one person could ever wish for. I told my friend just earlier today that I've really gotten into the Christmas spirit his year. And that's definitely not the norm. I think that as I'm growing older, I'm learning that life truly is about the little things, the ones that can't be bought in a store and I think that's overflowing into my perspective this holiday season. I'm finding myself being more excited about giving to others than getting something in return for myself and I'm excited about volunteering time baking cookies for Hope for Christmas, an event that our church puts on each year to give to families in need at Christmas time. All of these things have brought me some kind of joy this holiday season, and I know there is more to come. It's funny, that when you remember the real reason for celebrating Christmas, that's Jesus, how you're perspective of Christmas changes. And when we put Jesus at the center of our Christmas celebration, instead of simply celebrating an over commercialized holiday, we find our hearts are filled with more joy than we can imagine. As Christmas Day approaches, I want to challenge you to spread a little love this season, whether to friends, neighbors, family or even that stranger at the grocery store. Lets keep Christ in Christmas and show the world what the real Christmas spirit is all about. 

Christmas blessings to you and yours,

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Blogging, again...

I've been thinking about trying my hand at blogging, again, for some time now and today I decided to just take the plunge, so, here I am world. I haven't really decided yet what direction I want to take this yet, I guess I'll  figure it out as I go, but for now, I'm here to say "Hi" and get my feet wet just a little. That's all for now.
